Maugansville Leadership

Pastors & Staff

Chadrick Carter

Lead Pastor

Pastor Chad's primary role is casting the vision for God's people at Maugansville and helping us live into that vision. He handles most of the preaching and teaching. Chad and his wife Brenda have two children, Aiden & Abigail. 

Brian Kelley

Associate Pastor of Church Ministries

If it happens at Maugansville Church, Pastor Brian most likely has a hand in it. In addition to preaching occasionally, Brian's primary role is to equip and oversee the ministries of the church. He and Krista have two children, Mackenzie & Ian.

Michelle Snodderly

Music Director

Michelle leads the various music ministries & worship ministries of our congregation like the worship team, Kingdom Kids, Music & Arts camp, seasonal choirs, Christmas & Easter musicals and much more. Michelle enjoys gardening and spending time with her two sons and their families.

Kaitie Hogue

Children's Discipleship Director

We have lots of children at Maugansville Church! And Kaitie's job is to make sure they are being discipled. Whether it's Wednesday Connect, Kids Worship or the various preschool ministries, Kaitie is busying working with our parents and volunteers ensuring they have what they need so our youngest get to know Jesus Christ. Kaitie and her husband Tommy have three children--Aqueelah, Owen & Libby.

Laura Stevens

Media Director

There are a lot of events and activities happening here at Maugansville Church and
Laura is our point person to share it all with you.  From graphics, announcements,
weekly emails and website updates, she keeps everyone, and everything up to date.
Laura and her husband Andrew have two boys, Garrett & Tanner.

Herb Althoff

Church Custodian

Herb keeps the building maintained and clean. And what a job that is! There is always something happening the building and Herb does a great job of getting everything tidied up and ready for the next ministry. Herb and his wife Sandy have two adult children and four grandchildren.

Elected Congregational Leadership

John Lum
Dean Lehman
Paul Ostoich
Leonard Horst
Derek Mowen
Justin Stewart
Ron Koontz
Jason Crum
Paul Nally
Richard Rutherford
Tim Shaffer
David Ankerbrand
Tommy Hogue
Alex Witmer
Troy Young
Bill Leasure
John Ficca
Tim Henesy
Lee Tagg
Shawn Weddle
Tyler Strite
Ken Nuse
Scott Gillam
Randy Henry